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This policy is designed to mitigate the transfer of the COVID-19 virus (Coronavirus) within the work environment. 


1. If any of our staff develops any of the following symptoms, they will not attend work until cleared by a medical practitioner:


  • sore throat 

  • fever/chills 

  • dry cough. 

Additional symptoms may include headaches/nasal congestion/runny nose/diarrhea. 


2. If any of our staff returns from overseas or has close contact with a known COVID-19 case, they will self-isolate for 14 days in line with Australian Government Regulations.

3. We practice social distancing. This means keeping a distance of at least 1.5m from another person. 

4. We avoid physical contact and interaction, including handshaking, as the virus can be spread via moisture droplets from close interaction between people.


5. We avoid touching our eyes/nose/mouth. 

6. We wash our hands continually for at least 20 seconds during the day, especially after:  

• touching surfaces 

• after blowing nose/coughing/sneezing 

• close physical contact with someone who’s unwell 

• after using the toilet 

• before, during and after food preparation and eating.


7. We cover our mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve and are mindful of others around you when coughing or sneezing.  



Please notify Ian Mansvelt (Mobile: 0415 102 126 / email: to reschedule your appointment immediately if you or any member of your household:

  • Develop the symptoms described above

  • Have had contact with a confirmed  COVID-19 case

  • Have recently returned from overseas

  • Have been advised to self-isolate.

1. If you have recently returned from overseas it is mandatory that you self-isolate for at least 14 days.


2. Please practice social distancing, which means being at least 1.5m from any person. 

3. Avoid physical contact and interaction, including handshaking as the virus can be spread from close interaction between people. 

4. Avoid touching your eyes/nose/mouth. 

5. Wash your hands continually for at least 20 seconds during the day especially after:

  • touching surfaces 

  • after blowing your nose/coughing/sneezing 

  • close physical contact with someone who is unwell 

  • after using the toilet 

  • before, during and after food preparation and eating.


6. Avoid attending large gatherings until the threat is over. 

7. If you cough or sneeze, it is important to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve and be mindful of others around you when coughing or sneezing.

We’re all in this together and thank you all for your cooperation in helping us protect our clients and cleaners.

Please note these are guidelines and are by no means the absolute solution. However, they will be of assistance and help reduce the spread of the virus within the work environment and the community. For further information and current updates go to

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